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Nelson Civic Choir – bringing the best of classical choral music to the North of the South.
We welcome new members to come and enjoy our rehearsals, as we learn to make glorious music together. If you love to sing and would like to find out more about the choir, now is a good time to contact us – for more info please contact Gretchen on [email protected].

Information and Fees

We are a non-audition choir, which means that any singer in the Nelson region is welcomed. You do not have to be able to read music to join Nelson Civic Choir. We use sheet music and rehearse with an accompanist. Learning new musical repertoire and participating in concert performances is an enjoyable and life-enhancing activity for our members and gives pleasure to our audiences.

As a member there are regular concerts, social occasions, workshops and more.

When: We meet every Tuesday at NCMA’s recital room. Arrive from 6.50pm for a 7pm start and finish at 9pm. Rehearsals start with warm-ups.

Membership Fees: Our annual membership fee, which includes the loan of music we are singing, venue hire, conductor, and accompanist fees is $200.00. Full-time students under 25 years old, $20. If you join after our first performance, the fee will be $150, and after the second  performance, $75. If you are experiencing hardship, please talk to a committee member about staged payments. The bank account is NBS: Nelson Civic Choir 03-1354-0642611-00.
Please reference the payment with ‘subs’ and your name.

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