In Nelson Civic Choir’s third annual 'Joy To The World' Christmas choral celebration the Choir…
Singers have audience in the psalm of their hand
Stuff Article: Jenny Snadden – Dec 14 2020.
Real troupers won’t let a world pandemic crush their desire to perform and Nelson Civic Choir, with their tireless and encouraging musical director Nigel Weeks, are nothing if not that.
Oratorios planned for 2020 have had to be cancelled but at least they were able to dig deep into their repertoire to find an entertaining programme for an enthusiastic capacity audience on Saturday night.
Joining them were Nelson Youth Choir conducted by Zoē Dee in their first featured public performance, in addition to the lovely Italian lyric soprano Lilia Carpinelli and guest organist Paul Rosoman.
It is hard to single out particular well-received carol offerings, but a rousing rendition of And the glory of the Lord from Handel’s Messiah, underpinned by a brightly registered Cathedral organ showed us a little of what they had planned before Covid came along, as did The Heavens are telling from Haydn’s Creation.